Angular observable tricks

这篇文章举例说明了hot and cold  observables的区别,简单来说,observable is the bridge between producer and observer.

producer outside is hot,

producer inside is cold.

另外,当一个component 中有多个observable 的不同订阅时,如果订阅回调里涉及到UI  binding, 有时这些binding有依赖性。这时可以依靠delay()来控制先后顺序。

Quick notes for angular refactoring

recently having to refactor a complex component in angular, some experience I think could be beneficial  for the future, so take a note here:

  1. Bind child component’s property directly
  2. If not direct binding, then use viewmodel method to bind (easier to unit test also)
  3. Smuggle some simple logic in the mark up to avoid testing.
  4. Reference to child component with interface to achieve polymorphism
  5. Use [hidden] to avoid the

Expression has changed after it was checked

From <>

Or set binding value after delay()

      6. service class can return observable, can be piped and subscribed, but inside component we can convert toPromise() and do async/await for better readability, catch exception and return null for the promise<T>.

vertical-align only works for inline elements


knowing whether the element is block or inline is important to do vertical alignment

vertical-align only works for inline elements

you have to rely on margin and/or position:relative or position:absolute + top:50% or flex with flex-direction: row and align-items:(for cross axis)to align vertically for block element.


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